Have you ever gotten really frustrated when you're looking for contact information for a vendor, client or a local business online and can't find it? Don't risk losing valuable business by making it difficult for people to communicate with you: include your contact information in as many places as possible!
In addition to your business card and brochures, here's a list of online places to include your contact info to ensure that you'll be found:
1) Web Site
Your phone number should be readily available on every page of your website, especially your homepage, in addition to your contact page. Be sure all of your contact details (phone, email, location/address) are on your 'Contact Us' page. If you use a contact form, also include your email address as an optional way to connect.
Register your business with Google so you're easily found when someone does a search. Be sure to complete your entire listing so all of your business information can be distributed across all Google products (Google+, Google Search, Google Maps, etc.)
3) Social Media Sites
Every social media site is different but check each one of yours(Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.) and be sure your contact information is complete and easy to find.
4) e-Newsletters
Your email newsletter probably contains lots of useful information and links but does it include your contact info to allow clients and prospects to easily reach out to you?
5) Email Signature
Create an email signature that contains your company name, office and mobile phone numbers, social media links as well as your mailing address.
You can't post your contact info in too many places. Make sure it's everywhere so people don't have to hunt you down! What other places online should you include your contact details? Comment below.
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