Planning your nonprofit’s year-end fundraising appeal to your donors? As possibly your most important fundraising initiative of the year, it’s an opportunity to connect with your donors and show them how critical their support has been to your mission. Here are some tips to engage your donors to raise more funds for your organization:
Tip #1
Focus on the Donor
Tip #2
Suggested Donation Amounts
Include suggested donation amounts in your appeal and how
each amount will impact your organization or help you achieve your mission.
Suggested donation amounts are shown to result in increased contribution sizes
and improve conversion rates.
Tip #3
Have a Clear Call to Action
If donors are unsure how to make a donation, your campaign will surely fall short. A clear call to action is essential and giving your donors multiple ways to make their gifts is crucial. Communicate an easily conveyed URL and add a scannable QR code on your appeal letter to facilitate online donations. Also include a remittance envelope in your mailing to allow donors to mail checks.
Tip #4
Show Your Appreciation
Make your donors feel like they’ve played an intricate part
in helping you carry out your mission. Give examples of what you’ve been able
to accomplish thanks to their support. Thanking and appreciating your donors is
the key to their long-term support and ongoing contributions.
Tip #5
Send Your Appeal Via Multiple Channels
Spread the word about your appeal campaign through multiple
channels to widely broadcast your fundraising message. Direct mail is one of
the most effective channels and has shown a higher response rate than email or
social media for nonprofit organizations. But email is a great low-cost method to
extend your outreach that shouldn't be overlooked. Social media will allow you to reinforce your message
and donation links to all your supporters who follow you. And be sure to update
your website with information about your campaign as supporters will surely be
looking there as a result of your initial outreach.